Employee Wages Overall score
Sustainable organizations pay their employees at least a living wage, so that they can afford a decent standard of living for their families.
Performance on employee wages
Does your organization do any of the following to manage employee wages?
(Check all that apply; replace sample data with real organization data)
The organization is a sole proprietorship with no employees.
(If selected, you score 100%. Skip to the next question)
We do not currently monitor and record whether we pay our employees at least a living wage.
(If selected, delete the sample percentage and skip to the next question.)
We monitor and record whether we pay our employees at least a minimum wage.
Approximate percentage of employees who are paid at least a minimum wage
We monitor and record whether we pay our employees at least a living wage.
Approximate percentage of employees who are paid at least a living wage
We have set living wage targets.
We met living wage targets, for the reporting period.
We have a science-based goal of paying 100% of employees at least a living wage, regardless of organization growth.