Ethical Practices Overall score
Sustainable organizations behave ethically, fairly and responsibly.
Performance on ethics
Does your organization do any of the following to manage its ethical practices?
(Check all that apply)
The organization does not have a ethics policy.
(If selected, you score 0%. Skip to the next question)
Training on ethics: We have a policy requiring that our employees act in an ethical manner. All employees receive training on it, with periodic refreshers.
Ethical handling of community concerns:We have a effective community concerns process. The community agrees that we act promptly, appropriately and ethically to address any concerns that they raise about our presence in the community.
Ethical handling of customer concerns:We have a effective customer concerns process. Customers agree that we act promptly, appropriately and ethically to address any concerns that they raise about our products and services..
Ethical lobbying / advocacy:We do not support, or have memberships in, organizations that lobby for policies or actions that would undermine progress toward a socially just, economically inclusive and environmentally restorative society.
Ethical investments:We do not invest in organizations whose policies, actions, advocacy, products or services undermine progress toward sustainability goals.
Ethical taxes:We do not use aggressive tax avoidance schemes. We pay our income taxes and our property taxes promptly.